The five are Ho Wui Ming, 22, Chen Wei Zhen, 21, Edward Tay Wei Loong, 20, Louis Tong Qing Yao, 17 and Stilwell Ong Keat Pin, 20.
The gang clash on 30 October 2010 arose from a supposed staring incident and bad blood between two youths from rival gangs.

Prosecutors urged High Court Judge Tay Yong Kwang to send a clear signal that the youths' "vicious and brutal acts" would be viewed with the utmost seriousness by the courts.
"Their acts damaged the faith of the citizens of Singapore in the safety of their public recreation areas," added the prosecutors.
While they called for a jail term of between 12 and 15 years, and at least 10 strokes of the cane for Wui Ming, Wei Zhen, Wei Loong and Louis for the offence of culpable homicide, prosecutors felt Stilwell should be jailed for at least 15 years and caned at least 12 strokes.
Stilwell had gathered the accused persons and accomplices to Downtown East for the confrontation, prosecutors argued.